Se va a editar un box con los tres discos de la banda Alemana de hard rock, SARGANT FURY, banda en la que participo Andrew "Mac" McDermott, hoy ex cantante de Threshold.
SARGANT FURY - "DO YOU REMEMBER: THE ANTHOLOGY" , asi se llamara el box que incluira, algunos covers y todas los discos remasterizados por Jamie King, el box sera editado el 13 de Octubre via DiveBomb Records.
Still Want More (1991) : Still You Want More, No. 9, Mindgames, Love Me, Stand Up, Me, Do You Remember, Love On The Run, Slow 'N Easy, Just One Night, Losing Control, Don't You Know.
Little Fish (1993): Out, New Direction, No. 7, Little Fish, Eagle, T.T.A., Goodbye, Change, Eternal Champion, Wrong Place Wrong, Time, Tomorrow.
Turn The Page (1995): Turn The Page, Best I Can, Crack In The Mirror, Time, KY Jelly (God Above), No Other Way, Maniac, Without You, Main Attraction, Can't Get Enough, Lucky Day, From A Distance.