martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Noticias: Mark Westworth dejara IQ

El reemplazante del historico Martin Offord, anuncio que abandonara la banda para fin de año, para dedicarse a su familia y a un trabajo de tiempo completo.
Aun no hay mas novedades, ni quien sera el reemplazante, lo unico que se sabe que la ultima presentacion de Westworth sera el 11 de Diciembre en O2 Academy, Islington, Inglaterra.

1 comentario:

  1. Please supplement charge before use when the battery has been kept for a
    long time. However, it is still possible to
    insect the terminals and make sure there is no corrosion.
    For the first generation, you'll need to release the back cover from the unit by running a shim along the edge of the unit to release all of the clips holding the backing on.

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